Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Yeah I decided to write about the ship JcPenny. If you know Jenn and Jc then you'll know that they were shipped after they did one video together.

They did Things Girls do that Guys HATE and Things Guys do that Girls HATE. After the video went live a lot of people said I ship them together. Honestly it was a cute video. I like how they act but I know that they are just friends.

Like always there are those that over analyze their every moves and try to make evidence. They have both denied that they like each other. I respect them and try to not to push them to the point were I am annoying them. I just ship them because they seem like the would be a cute couple. At the same time it's kinda hard though because Jenn is younger than Jc. Jc is 21 and Jenn i think is 18 or 19, maybe. I don't really say to many things about them being around each other and try to see if they look at each other in a certain way or if they are next to each other. It's just me keeping my opinion to myself. Did that even make sense? 

Sorry I am pretty tired from basketball. I am literally writing this after I had my game today. 

This isn't the first video they have done together but for some reason I decided to start shipping them after this one. I know I am a weird person for this but they act pretty cute together in this video.

Well that was really it for this post. Damn, I am on a role with these post. I am so glad that I am actually getting these done. Also if this doesn't make sense at points then I am sorry. It's is already around midnight were I live. I have stayed up later than that but since I had a game today I am more tired than usual.

In the comments please let me know if you ship these two together or not. Please respect peoples thoughts and opinion. Really I don't like seeing hate.

Thank you for reading and have a goodnight/ good morning. Depends on were you live.

Love you all! BYE!

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