Wednesday, December 25, 2013


So Joey Gracceff has come out with his new web series, Storytellers. I am so impressed with how it looks so far. I love it and I can't wait for the rest of the episodes to come out. Seriously he did great and honestly you should all go watch the first and second episode on his channel. I am so proud that for him. He did great as acting like Hunter Crowley.

The effects and acting is amazing. I also love the suspense in this show. Please, please go check it out. Give it a thumbs up and share it with everybody you know. I would say what it's about but since I will most likely than not say what happens in the first 2 episode I shall not. I do not want to ruin it for you. One thing though the second episode leaves you on a sort of a cliff hanger. Well I hope you enjoy this series.

I was going to write about it the day it premiered but I was to busy. I only got to watch them. 

Leave a comment saying what you love about the series so far. Also if you like it. 

Love you all! BYE! 

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