Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Troye Sivan

It's about time that I talk bout Troye.

If you do not know who this person is then I feel sorry for you. He is known for acting as the young wolverine in X-Men Origins. Also he plays the lead in Spud, a South African movie. I believe at least. I do know that it is well known their. I early hope that one day I can watch this movie at some point in my life. Another place you may know him from is YouTube.

He had a lot of attention drawn to him because a certain video though. He posted his 'Coming Out' video and that got a lot of attention from media. I even saw his video being talked about on a local news show. For me to be part of this before all the attention is cool. I give him props for making the video and being able to post up. These types of videos gives those that are not confident enough to come out more confidence. I know that there will always be those people that don't approve but in the end all that matter is that he is happy.

He is a well known youtuber. He has collabed with Tyler Oakley, Zoella, Marcus Butler, Casper Lee, etc. I don't want to name all the youtubers that he has made videos with. There are quite a lot. Well that's not completely true. He mainly does his videos by himself. I love his vlog vies because you get to know him. I also love seeing his collabs because they are always funny.

My favorite videos of his are The Fault In Our Stars (both), 2012 Song, 2013 Song, Waxing My Legs,  Face Painting, and We're My OTP. I love when you get to hear him sing the most. His voice is so calming when he sings.

Talking about him singing, have you heard his new E.P that he put out on the 15th. It's called T.R.X.Y.E. This EP is amazing. I love how you learn more about Troye. It's let's you in on what he has felt and all the songs are amazing. I ordered it once it was available. My favorite song on this EP is Gasoline. Everything about this sing just makes me want to play it on repeat over and over again through out the day. I will let you know that when Happy Little Pill was released I was excited. Just hearing that he was coming out with an EP made me so happy. Then finding out that we could get to hear the whole song of Happy Little Pill soon made that excitement grow even further. Now I would fully recommend to buy this EP.

Also just to let you know. His E.P went #1 in 32 or more countries. That is just amazing.

When you look back and see how much has happened in Troye's career you are so surprised because he got to do so much at such a young age. Right now all I am doing is writing misspelled post, watching youtubers, crushing on a certain boy, and keeping up with every social media account I have. My life compared to his sounds so dull. I am not jealous of what he gets to do. On the contrary, I am very proud of Troye and his success.

I became a little emotional when I found out that this EP was coming out. I've gotten to see him grow and become more successful in his life. Just being able to say that I was there when this was all happening, even though I was not their physically with him, is such a great thing. I will always support Troye in whatever he wants to pursue next.Very proud of him and can't wait for what is to come from this amazing guy. I know that this is not exactly a lot written about Troye but I felt that I would just write about the major things that have happened to him.

Love you all!!! BYE!!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Connor Franta

Hey sorry that I've not written anything for a pretty long time.

I'm here today to talk about Connor leaving O2L. I know everyone by now has heard about this. If you haven't then pretty much Connor has been feeling unhappy for past 6 months. He said that youtube has started to feel like a chore and not something he wanted to do. Therefore he decided to leave O2L. He's putting his happiness first.

I give props to him for doing this because it is something difficult to do. He doesn't like knowing that he is making us sad. Well all we can do is support him in this decision. He shouldn't have to feel that he has to poat a video for us. He should want to do that and be happy about it.

A lot of people are actually getting mad at him for not telling us that he was unhappy. They have even said that he probably lied about being glad to meet all of the fans thay he got to meet recently. At the youtube events and during the tour. Now that is really rude to say because he has always said that he loves meeting us. He loves seeing the people that have made it possible for him to do the things he is doing. Honestly, I bet we made his days better because we told him how much he meant to us. That probably made him feel better and happier. Yes, he gets that a lot but it's true. He does help people out and make their days better by just posting a new video each Monday. He didn't tell us because he didn't feel comfortable with telling us yet. He must've also been scared to even share that with us as well. We can't make this worse for him. Please just support him and don't cause drama or start rumors. He explained everything in his new video. Go check it out if you haven't. 

I was planning on writting about it yesterday but to be honest I just couldn't.  It was hard to think that he won't be with them anymore.  I'm glad that he is not leaving YouTube. Now that would be really hard to deall with. Honestly he was one of the only two guys from O2L that I related to the most. Don't get me wrong I love the others too but Connor and Sam were the ones I did/do relate to the most. So hearing that he was leaving really made me upset. I know they are still friends and I love that, it just made me sad that one of them was leaving. He was the one that I found the videos from O2L from. Either way he will always be part of the family that has been created from this fandom. I do respect him and his decisions on leaving. All I could ask for is for him to be happy again. I'm glad that he spoke up about it and didn't hide anymore because I think that that would've been worse.

Note to Connor- Thank you for making me smile each time you posted a video. I'm gonna being honest.  Yes, I did think about cutting for the longest of times. No doubting it. I was always so close to doing it but I started watching your videos and that thought just left. I've never had the urge to cut. I am glad that I haven't. I was/am like you. Hiding how I truly feel to people. I made my friends think for the longest of times that I was happy. I never truly was. Thank you again. I love you and hope you feel better.

Thanks for reading. Love you all. Bye.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tyler Oakley

Yes I am finally going to do a blog post about the amazing Tyler Oakley.

I am may not know as much of him as some others and you may think that I am not a true fan but I am. I became a fan of him last year during the summer. Yeah I know it's recent but honestly I actually had no time before to even watch any youtube videos until summer. I was really busy before that. So excuse me.

The first ever video I saw of his was the one with Jack and Finn. It was a collab that he did he did with them when he visited Englad for the first time. This video was really funny to watch. What they did was discuss gay lingo. I think that all three of them are twinks. ;) If you've watched the video you will get it.

What I have learned about Tyler is that he truly cares for all of his fans. He is there to support us when we feel down even if we haven't met him before. He also helps raise money for the Trevor Project. For his birthday he told all his fans not to buy him any presents for him. He wanted all of them to go instead and donate money to the Trevor Project. he made a goal to have $200,000 donated but his fans passed that so he moved the goal and he's been moving it for a while now.

One of my favorite months was the Auguest. He had a collab put up each day for a whole month and it was really funny to watch. Their were different types of challenges and videos that were made between him and all his friends. My favorite videos were the ones with Tanya, Mamrie, Sawyer, Louise, and Grace. These were my favorite because they always made me laugh uncontrollably. Let me know which ones were your favorite.

From their he got to do a lot of cool things. Firstly he go to interview One Direction. As everyone knows he is a major fan of them. After that he went to Sydney, fans chanted his and other youtbers name at a One Direction concert,  he got to go to Hogwarts, he got to interview One Direction again for 1D day, did more collabs, etc. Tyler and Hannah Hart got to meet the president. They talked about a lot of things. Recently he went to ITATube. Which is a youtube event held in Italy. After that was over he went to England for Digitour. I almost forgot but he also go to go to the MTV Movie Awards. He got to interview celebs.

That's all I have on him for now but I will be putting up updated posts about youtubers. I know that there is more that I could write about but that is for now. Also this post has been long overdue.

Love you all!! BYE!!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Playlist Live

Playlist Live has come around yet again. This event is a youtube event really. All these youtubers come together so their viewers can meet all the youtubers they want. It is held in Orlando, Florida. At this point all youtubers are vlogging about what is happening there and all the amazing fans they are meeting. Also they all plan collabs together and after Playlist is over every youtuber post their collabs. I really love seeing their collabs because they are always entertaining. Even the british youtubers come over and you just see your favorite youtubers together.

So far I've seen a picture that had Hannah, Troyler, and Matt and Nick. I fangirled really hard because I love all four of them. To see them together and knowing that they now know each other is amazing. I also saw a picture of Ricky and Nick together. Ricky asked if they should collab and I really hope that they make a vid together. I also wish that Ricky would do a collab with Matt and then the both of them for Lush. Then there's Tyler, Zoe, Alfie, Tanya, Jim, Joe, Marcus, Joey, Connor, and many more that I've seen together in vlogs.

That's the only down part for me and other people. I don't live near Florida and I can't just head over there at this moment because I have other things going on where I live. I wish I could be there to see and take pictures with everyone that I watch. I would love to get to talk to them and have a genuine talk with them. Instead I settle with watching there vlogs and pictures they have taken with other youtubers or with fans. I always want to be there but I can't. I know there are people out there too that want to be there just as much as I do. It sucks but at the same time you are happy that other people are privileged to meet your favorite youtubers.

At playlist there are different panels as well. Also there are meet and greets planned for youtubers. It is amazing that they spend hours to meet every single fan that is there. And if you think it's really easy for youtubers, it's not. They have to go to scheduled interviews, meet and greets, panels, etc. They do so much in one day and then they stay up and edit there vlogs and videos so they can get them up on time. I give them so much props for doing them. They are so tired at the end of the day but we all know that they appreciate all these opportunities that they get.

Here are some pictures:

Love you all!! BYE!!