Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Connor Franta

I found out about Connor through a collab he did with Strawburry17. They did Boy vs. Girl. It was on both of their channels. They did two stereo typical challenges for guys and girls. It was awesome but yeah that is were I first found his videos.

When I first starteed to watch just his videos; I found that he talked a lot about coffee, cats, and made a lot of funny noises.

Yeah before I keep talking about him I just want to say that I had everything written but it didn't save and I almost had this post done. I am very sorry. Let's see if I can remember what I had written before it got all deleted. Here we go.

When I found him I decided to watch most of his videos just to see what he mainly does. I also found out that he had a vlog channel. I didn't expect him to really because he doesn't seem the type of person to do that. Well I liked his main  channel videos because they were so positive. Something that I didn't know was that he moved from Minnesota to California. I thought he had always lived in California until I watched What to do with Your Life. Yeah I also found out that he was on break from college and that he did videos while in college. I give him props for keeping up with school work, work, youtube, and sports. He honestly is talented for actually being able to do that.

The more I kept watching his videos I saw that he changed backgrounds four times. Yeah so I guess he did youtube before he went in to college and then he did a lot of his videos in his college dorm. Then when he moved he did videos in the apartment they had and now in the house that is considered "The O2L House" by everyone.

Also before he moved or anything he won The King of the Web. It was a contest that YouNow did. With the help of all his viewers he won it and got to pick one friend to go to New York with him. Ricky Dillon, a member of O2L, went along with him. They did 2 collab videos while they were there I believe. I know on Ricky's channel they did a lip sync music video to everybody Talks by Neon Trees. I think on Connors channel they did What not to do in the City. Also while they were there they did live shows on YouNow. Honestly when I hear or go back and learn that they did this, I get sad because I wasn't apart of that. Well, oh well I guess I can't do anything about it.

Then he told us that he was going to be in a magazine. It was awesome to find that out. I have to admit that he is so cute and really when he showed us a few of the photos it was so cool. I love how they turned out. I read it and it really lets you see a bit more about Connor.

Yeah well other things that have happened for him is that he has grown his channel. He hit 500k on July 13. He also got to be on nickelodeon along with some of the other members of O2L. DigiTour also came up and he got to go to Chicago, Toronto, Philly, and New York. Now Connor's youtube channel has hit 1m subscribers on  October 21, I believe. Correct me if I am wrong. Yeah it's amazing that he has grown in the couple of months and really great. I am so proud of him.

After everything that has happened this year to him is amazing and I can't wait to see what is in store. Well I leave you with this picture of his most recent photo shoot.
Love you all! BYE!

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