Saturday, January 4, 2014

Hehe :|

Yeah yet again I fail at posting something. I am really sorry and the thing is I wasn't even busy for the past 2 weeks. That's rare right now because I usually have my whole week busy with basketball. I am working on a post right now but each time I go to finish it there's always something that has to come up. Hopefully I can post something soon and before I go back to school. I didn't want this to be my post for the New Year but I am so sorry. I promise I am going to make it up to you. Also I was thinking of doing a few fashiony post as well. I will be continuing post about youtubers but like I said this blog is really about anything. I am determined to get my post up soon. Hopefully tomorrow, maybe around night time. I might also do a post spree. Like I did last time by posting a bunch of post one after the other.

I also hope you had a great New Year's. I am not really going to do a post about that since really it gets old and it's already 4 days after New Year's so screw that. Yeah that's all I really wanted to say. Also I think I post more during school time because I don't have a lot of time. I don't get it but that's just how I am. Also I just can never go to sleep early. The earliest I've gone to sleep was 11. The latest was midnight the next day, yup pulled an all nighter. Yeah now I am just rambling.

Love you all! BYE!!

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