Sunday, December 29, 2013

O2L Million

I know that some of the other subscribers I have talked about have hit a million and haven't made a big deal about it but I am sorry. When this happens I am usually tweeting congrats and other things. Right now O2l has hit  million subscribers and really I can't seem to calm down. I am really excited and don't know what to do. If you are reading this right now then wow thanks. To let you know they are doing a big follow spree on Twitter. I am freaking out because I want them to follow me but I highly doubt they will. I have only have one follow from Kian. That was awesome but I really want all of O2l to follow me. I know that it seems pointless but I am sorry. I am really happy and I just really want them to follow me. This way I can talk with them through DM's. I do recommend to go subscribe to them. I honestly am very proud of them. They are really ending this year on a really good note. I love every single one of these boys to death because they take my mind off of the crap that goes on at my house. They just make me forget and to genuinely smile and laugh. That's a rare thing to do by myself now a days because of everything but they always find a way to do that. They all care for their followers as well. If you have read this far thanks because I bet most of the people reading this would have left by now trying to get a follow from all 6 of the guys. But yeah I really just needed to write this and yeah.
Love you all! BYE!

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